Monthly Tips & Tasks May 2014

Monthly Tips & Tasks May 2014

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

Flower Garden Carry on with bulb planting. Remember many bulbs do just as well in pots. Plant Spring flowering plants such as polyanthus, primulas, pansies, poppies and forget-me-nots. Lift dahlias and begonias after frosts, cut back the tops and store in a cool dark place. Cut back by about 1/3 chrysanthemums as the flowers finish. … Read More

Daffodil growers beware!

Spring Gardening, The Flower Garden

The large Narcissus fly (Lampetia equestris) flies in October and November. This fly is the same size as a blow fly with the same distinctive buzz. The female lays eggs on the top of a bulb and the resulting caterpillar feeds on the inside of the bulb right through summer.  It is known to attack … Read More

Daffodil Culture

The Flower Garden

It is a myth perpetuated by the Garden Centres that bulbs should be planted early. Research and experience has shown that the bulbs are best when planted when the soil temperature has dropped below 12C. In New Zealand this is at, or just after, Easter. Planting: We recommend that bulbs are planted 20 cm deep … Read More

Magnolia Campbell

Plant Forum, Resources, The Flower Garden

Each spring the first Magnolia to flower is Magnolia campbelli. It is a stately tree suitable for slightly larger gardens and well worth growing. This deciduous Himalayan species eventually grows 24 m tall with a 12 m wide crown in the right conditions and there are few this size in NZ, usually they are a … Read More

Heleborus orientalis

Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

One of the most interesting and popular plants for Winter colour is Heleborus orientalis or Lenton Rose. In recent years both in New Zealand and overseas plant breeding programmes have created new and named cultures of beautiful plants. Flowering in later in winter they send upright stems up through the old leaves. The slightly nodding … Read More


Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

Spring would not be spring without Forsythia. Forsythias grow well in almost any garden soil and are very hardy. They do need a lot of sun to ensure they flower well in spring. Each spring the Forsythia is one of the first and most colour flowering shrubs to welcome the new growing season. Its bright … Read More