Enrolment Information

Enrolments into a course is based on first come, first served.
All courses need a minimum number to go ahead.  If your course does not have sufficient paid enrolments, we regret that we will have to cancel and will let you know either by email or text.  Please check your emails regularly.
Courses are usually confirmed or cancelled 2-3 working days prior to the scheduled start date.

Refund Policy

Cancellation by us

  • We may regretfully have to cancel courses if we do not get enough paid enrolments in which case you will get a full refund.
  • We may choose to close a course if there is a high level of non-attendance or withdrawal, in which case a proportional refund may be made.

Cancellation/suspension/postponement due to extreme weather, tutor illness or other unforeseen reason
Wherever possible, we will offer replacement or extended classes to make up for any class/es cancelled, suspended or postponed due to extreme weather, tutor illness or other unforeseen reason.

Cancellation by the course/workshop participant
If you need to withdraw from a course and inform us at least 72 hours before the course is scheduled to start a full refund will be issued less service fees of 3%.
If you withdraw from a course at any other time, you will not be eligible for a refund.

From time to time, it may prove necessary to close venues or postpone/suspend classes due to Covid, extreme weather conditions, tutor illness or other unforeseen circumstances.
We are taking this opportunity to advise you of our processes:

  • Our preferred option is for classes to continue whenever possible, but we reserve the right to change this based on information available.
  • We will liaise with tutors and based on information available to us, to ensure your safety, we will decide whether or not a class should proceed.
  • The Office will contact you by email or txt if your class is postponed.
  • We will also post a message with regards to the status of your class on our Facebook page.
  • We will update the Canterbury Horticultural Society website and Facebook page.
  • As indicated in our refund policy, once circumstances have returned to normal and classes can resume, wherever possible, we will offer replacement or extended sessions to make up for sessions cancelled/postponed/suspended due to extreme weather, tutor illness or other unforeseen reason.