From Michael Coulter

November is the month that sees the season change from Spring to Summer so many of the tasks that we need to do will determine the success we will have this growing season.

The weather has given plenty of moisture in the soil but as the temperatures warm up some irrigation may be needed, but only to the top few millimetres around the root zone of plants.

With warmth and moisture a lot of vigorous growth has been made by trees and shrubs this year so we may need to do some pruning to keep them in shape away from paths, windows and overhead wires.

We are also responsible to keep plants clear of our outside footpaths so that people can use the pathways without the danger of harm from over hanging branches.

November is also the month when roses are at their best, this year they are blooming earlier so watch out for any pest and disease that may be around and also dead head spent blooms to encourage more blooms.

Summer annuals and some perennials (dahlias and chrysanthemums especially) should be planted now.

In the vegetable garden all the Summer crops can be planted or sown.

The lawns have been growing very lush this Spring but as this month continues we will see that the grass will start to get storky as it begins to flower, so for one or two cuts this month we may need to cut the grass little lower than usual.

For any gardening queries through the month you can consult our online facebook group



  1. Feed lawns
  2. Treat for grass grub and porina
  3. Treat for weeds and moss
  4. Mow each week during rapid growth
  5. Finish any repairs before the weather gets too hot



Fruit & Vegetable Garden

  1. Plant out tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini and eggplants in full sun
  2. Plant potatoes
  3. Plant Summer greens for continuous cutting
  4. Feed citrus
  5. Strawberries will start to ripen now, keep up moisture and liquid feeds for continuous cropping
  6. Treat apples and pears for codling month once petal fall is complete
  7. Sow beans, carrots, parsnips and peas
  8. Keep onions and garlic weed free



Flower Garden

  1. Plant out begonias, dahlias, gladiola and chrysanthemums
  2. Plant Summer annuals
  3. Mulch around the garden to keep down weeds and conserve moisture
  4. Prune flowering shrubs as they finish their flowering
  5. Remove spent foliage from daffodils at the end of the month
  6. Plant up pots of annuals to give colour around paths, patios and other areas were there is not a garden
