These awards started in 2013 as an initiative of the Shirley-Papanui Community Board (SPCB) supported by the CHS. The SPCB repeated the awards in 2014 with great success and 32 awards were made. The Lyttelton – Mt Herbert Community Board (LMHCB) also participated in this scheme in 2014. The CHS assisted in the promotion, judging and hosting of the awards functions in early April.
Recognising sustainable edible gardens in the Shirley/Papanui ward
The Shirley/Papanui Community Board is committed to encouraging the growth of localised food production. The Board’s active and ongoing support for activities and initiatives that build strong and resilient communities is a priority. We are also keen to support and grow our relationships with local primary schools championing the next generation to grow their own food, nurture their environment, themselves and others. In partnership with the Canterbury Horticultural Society, the Sustainable Edible Gardens Award within the Shirley/Papanui ward is a wonderful way to acknowledge and celebrate those local residents, schools and communities who are passionate about their gardens and their bountiful harvests.
Mike Davidson, Chair
Shirley/Papanui Community Board
Canterbury Horticultural Society endorses the Shirley Papanui Ward for its innovation in creating the Sustainable Edible Garden Awards. To plant seeds and grow vegetables and fruit successfully is to have the knowledge to feed yourself. In today’s world growing what you eat allows for you to know what you are eating, caring for body and mind.
Elizabeth Peacock President
Canterbury Horticultural Society
• Residential House
• Residential Unit
• School/Early Childhood Centre
• Community
Assessment Criteria
• Variety and range of plants
• Quality and general health of plants
• Freedom from pests/disorders/diseases
• General presentation
• Absence of weeds, particularly noxious
• Innovation (use of available space)
• Use of walls, raised beds, containers
• Use of beneficials (flowers, herbs, companion planting)
• Design considerations
• Organic aspects (conversion of waste etc)
• Crop rotation, planning
Conditions of Entry
1. Entry is free and open to residents, community organisations or schools within the Shirley/Papanui Ward only.
2. All entrants allow the organisers to publish their name and photographs in print and electronic media, including flyers
and promotional material.
3. Entrants grant the panel permission to enter their property for assessment at a mutually convenient time. Gardeners are encouraged to be present to talk with the panel.
4. Garden visits by the assessment panel will take place during the week of 2 – 6 March 2015. Nominees will be notified.
5. The panel’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
6. Entrants are invited to attend a ceremony to be held in April 2015.
Download the Nomination/Entry Form Visit the Council Web Page