Type: Large Country, Large Country
Owners: Geoff & Gillian Etherington
Address: 95 Clover Road East Hope, Hope Nelson, 7031
Mail: PO Box 3046 Richmond Nelson
Phone: 03 542 3736
Fax: 03 542 3036 
Email: gf&gme@xtra.co.nz
Contact: Owners as above> Website: www.gardensoftheworld.co.nz


Started in 1990, the 6 acre 'World Garden' has much to attract the enthusiast as well as being
a 'must see' for all visitors to Nelson. With plantings from New Zealand, Australia, the Orient, America, Africa & Europe as well as formal gardens and an amphitheatre, there is much to interest everyone. The functions of the "Gardens of the World " are conservation, education, recreation, a function venue and as an attraction for visitors to Nelson. We are now Qualmark endorsed as a visitor attraction. Garden of Distinction Award winner.

All areas have many unusual plants. As you go around you pass the amphitheatre, then a NZ area and then on to oriental, white, American, European, African and Australian with formal fountains, rose, herb and herbaceous areas. Many picnic tables.

Other Information

Guided tours of the gardens by arrangement. There is a nursery that can be visited if requested. The property is suitable for disabled guests plus there is a trailer for those who cannot walk.

Open: We are open 10am to dusk daily, and groups by appointment.† Individuals do not have to make appointments to visit the Garden.
Admission: $5.00 each adult. Children up to 12 years free. Discounts for groups by arrangement

Directions: 0.5 km off State Highway 6 just north of the Waimea River on Clover Road East.
Parking: Large carpark at entrance