The Fuchsia Circle of the Canterbury Horticulture Society Inc. meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm.

Meetings are held on the PC Browne Room (upstairs), Canterbury Horticultural Society Centre, 57, Riccarton Ave, Hagley Park South , Christchurch.

During the months of May, June, July and August the club goes into recess for the winter.

We welcome anyone wishing to learn more about Fuchsias and their cultivation. A cultural session is held at each meeting in addition to the arranged program. Added attractions at each meeting are :- Sales Table, Raffles, Monthly Competitions and Guest speakers.

Contact Details

President:  Len Rhodes Ph. 03 3238931
Secretary: May Balderstone Ph. 03 3433875
Treasurer:  Catherine Nunweek  Ph. 03 3325682

The photos supplied by Len Rhodes include some excellent images of species, a bee at work (top left) and a standard example of Celia Smedley. The photo of F. perscandens, a native of New Zealand, was grown from a cutting taken from a tree up in the mountains at Lewis Pass, northwest of Christchurch. It is now growing in a members garden. Note the red and green flowers, it seems that full sun ripens the blooms giving the colour change, in the bush under the canopy the flowers are manly bluish green. Also the blue pollen which is prominent in all the Skinnera Fuchsia Section which covers all of the four New Zealand natives.